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Nine Objects of Desire

Downtown Train

I rode the light rail for the first time last weekend. It’s not exactly convenient for us West Siders, but I can no longer use the excuse of not feeling like driving to the East Side for new adventures!


Still one of the most beautiful places on this planet (or any other).

I’m On Vacation!

Which actually means something since I’m working now. I hope that explains why I haven’t been around.

This is “The World’s Largest Chile” which inexplicably sits inside a fence outside a motel in Las Cruces, NM. It is 47 feet long and contains over 2 tons of concrete. I guess this is the Chile Wagon sitting beside it.

Now I just need to find the “The World’s Largest Margarita”!

Hope Your Weekend Shines

Do You See What I See?

Some people see the world in black and white, but I see Fifty Shades of Gray. 🙂


What Am I?


I know which entrance I’m using!

Spring in the Desert

Spring in the desert is always an amazing time of year. My backyard this year has been the host of several Say’s Phoebes. I think they were originally looking to nest in the light fixture of the fan on my patio. I can hear their distinctive calls all day long.

Out at Magpie’s the other day I feasted on the spring bounty that was happening in her yard and practiced some iPhonography.

Finch eggs.

A cactus bloom.

The saguaro and ocotillo that I love visiting this time of year.

Today is rare cloudy day in the desert. We even had a bit of rain this morning. I am trying to remember to enjoy each and every moment because it is a gift, and once it’s gone is gone forever.

Tsunami Warning

I’m not sure when these signs first appeared. I know they haven’t always been there so must have been planted following some rather recent unpleasant world events.

Where No Man Has Gone Before

This was definitely the most intriguing thing I saw during my trip. I have no idea what the U.S.S. Enterprise was doing in a boat along the Venice Canals.

Remember how I told you they had drained the canals? I was very disappointed to see all the little boats sitting forlornly beached. That’s probably okay because it kept me from taking so many photos of them.

What??? You believed that? 🙂

Two Ships

Technically one is a boat and they’re not passing in the night. But whose keeping track, right?

Not Just Another Pretty Face

I love this drink holder we saw on a bike at a shop along the beach. I actually saw someone riding a bike that had one of these, too, so I know they are functional.

I am back in the desert and miss the beach and my partner in crime horribly. I hope I don’t bore you with too many beach pictures!

Here’s hoping your weekend is smooth sailing!

Who Knew There Was A Manual?

Too late for me but maybe not for some of you.

Parenthetical Post (or Embarcadero At Night)

One of my favorite bloggers is Reena at missing moments – for a couple of reasons, really. One is that she, like me, loves the beach. It doesn’t matter if it’s the coast of Maine or Florida, she shares wonderful photos that she takes when she’s there (which is way more often than I am there). The other reason is that she is a bit of a geek like me (sorry Reena). We are “appaholics”, we love to try out different photo editing apps and programs. She is much more creative and better at using them than I am, but when I saw what she had done using Topaz Star Effects I immediately knew I had a photo I wanted to try with this. It was taken a couple of years ago on our trip to San Francisco from our hotel room overlooking the Embarcadero area. I had taken my tripod along in anticipation of trying out some HDR photography, but on this evening it came in handy to experiment with night time photography.

Thank you, Reena, for being an enabler! Isn’t blogging wonderful (and addictive)?

Please visit Reena and take a look at her marvelously artistic photos.

Sixth Sense

I spotted this vehicle parked next to the Queen of Halloween’s car yesterday. Coincidence or do you think they know each other?

How has the new year been treating you? I have been busy, busy with work for a change! Plus Magpie has been occupied with other things so she hasn’t been around to keep me in line. I hope to catch up on some blog reading this weekend.

I took my Nikon (the one that committed suicide by jumping out of Magpie’s truck) into the shop for repair before Thanksgiving, and we’re still waiting for the part. Oy vey! but what can you do?

I hope you have a super weekend. Be good to each other!

Happy New Year


Bad Santa

Some of you may have seen Magpie’s post about the “Queen of Halloween” car we have seen in the parking lot of a local shopping center. I guess even the Queen of Halloween celebrates Christmas!

I am off to visit family for the Holidays. There will be a skeleton crew here the rest of the year. Haha!. Enjoy the season!

A Tale Of Two Benches

Bench outside Skull Valley General Store

This bench outside the Skull Valley General Store looks like a nice place to sit with a friend and have a long conversation (and maybe even share a turkey sandwich!)

Bench at Willow Lake

And this bench at Willow Lake looks like the perfect place to sit alone and meditate.

(PS I’m stuffed!)

Pick Up Line

Chicks Dig Scars Bumper Sticker

Seen in the back window of an old Ford pick up truck.


(PS I would like to take the opportunity today to express my gratitude for those of you that share your world with me and allow me to share a little of mine. Your support and friendship mean more to me than I can ever describe in words. For those of you celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday, I hope you have a peaceful and joyous day among family and friends.)

Splish Splash

While on our way up to Prescott recently we saw this “planter” outside the Skull Valley General Store. I think it’s rather unique and “artsy”.

How’s Your Weather?

It appears we’ve had a bit of a heat wave.


“It’s not far down to paradise
At least it’s not for me”

Vote Early and Vote Often

The election is a little over more than a year away, but there are already signs of it everywhere. I’m ready for it to stop now.

My Friends Are Not Fools

Sadly, I can’t say the same for my elected representatives…